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In the old days, a customer just had to be satisfied to make them a repeat customer. With advancements and technology, customer retention is significantly linked to customer engagement.
Engaging a customer may sound awkward as you are already putting in a lot of effort and hard work in your business and services to help the customers recognize and trust you. But, customer engagement is a step ahead of customer satisfaction.
Businesses use systems like Clover and Moneris to make their sales and revenues easier to track and keep track of. You need a solid customer base hence a more substantial customer engagement to increase sales.
All the business gurus have told time and again that it is easier and more cost-effective to retain old customers than to engage and make a new customer base. The old customers are already showing great trust and promise in your business. Mostly the new customers will take time and more effort on your part to make them explicit.
Is Customer Engagement Important?
Customer engagement is a crucial part of running any business these days. Platforms like; Odoo Platform use systems like; Clover and Moneris to keep the customers satisfied and not be charged an arm and leg for the services.
Customer engagement leads to improving customer retention rates in the long run. According to a study, 23% of the profitability and revenues are generated by fully engaged customers.
Systems like Clover and Moneris are adapted to help the business perform tasks like sales, receiving payments fast, and helping the company build stronger branding for the customers.
How Does Customer Engagement Result in Customer Retention through Clover and Moneris?
There are a few ways the systems; Clover and Moneris have benefitted customer engagement, resulting in customer retention.
- Making the product/service be like the top option available in the market for the customers
- Ensuring that the product/service carries excellent value for the customer
- Making the customers realize that the company holds the best interest of their customers very high on their priority list.
How to know that Customer Engagement has improved?
Customer engagement can be linked to a few factors that indicate the growth of the business. Once you start seeing signs of these factors, it is time to thank your efforts, Clover and Moneris systems, and your customers for making your business a success.
The factors are:
- Lower Churn Rate: The churn rate is the rate at which the customers or the employees leave the company. The lower churn rate benefits the business in terms of reduced costs and increased profits.
- Daily Active Users: A higher number of active users daily mean that there is a trend of some consumers being on board.
- Usage of product and service: A high product and service usage mean customers find using your products satisfying. These are also the main contributors to KPIs.
- Social Media Engagement: You must acknowledge having a social media presence in this age. Engagement on these platforms shows the customers’ attention to your brand and company.
How to Boost Customer Engagement Using an Odoo Platform:
The Odoo platform supports businesses by providing them with a concise and practical solution for all their errands and departments. Systems like Clover and Moneris help the platform work even more, making it more efficient for businesses and organizations.
Boosting customer engagement is a task if you do not know or apply the right strategies. There are some obvious solutions and strategies, but you will be surprised at how significant their impact can be on your business.
Customer engagement can be boosted by:
- Using the Right tools: This is directly linked to the nature of your business. In any kind of business and service, it is essential to have a social media presence and regularly engage with the customers through those platforms.
- Identify your target audience: This also depends on the type of product or service you offer. Your target market will be the people who have the potential to buy your product or service or have an interest in your product and service.
- Brainstorm and gather ideas: According to the target audience and the tools that you will be using, you should create content or gather ideas. These ideas are from the customer’s perspective to make the message relatable and exciting to the customer.
- Gather customer feedback: Once you have gathered ideas and implemented the best one, it is time to test the waters. You should post a survey or plan to personally ask the customers about their feedback and reviews about your business and the strategies you implemented. This will help your business grow in the long run.
- Optimize the strategies to retain customers: You now have an idea of what the customers are looking for in your product or service. Consider the feedback as a base for further improvements. Build on the feedback and come back with even stronger strategies that help your customers stay loyal to your brand longer.
Some Additional Tips for Customer Engagement
Customer engagement is as vital as sales at this time. It is a great benefit to know a few more tricks that will help you retain your customers with the help of Clover or Moneris.
- Customer Support: As Clover is a system used at the POS, there can be a discount or reward plan for the customer at the time of sale for using the brand.
- VIP Program: Have a loyalty card for the recurring customers as the Moneris and Clover system would identify it at the time of payment through their specific card number.
- Special Hands-on Knowledge about products and services: Loyal customers should be given an advantage of knowing the new launches and improvements in products and services before other customers or before launching in the market.
The Odoo Platform and systems like Clover and Moneris have benefitted customer engagement and retention for many businesses. The results are undeniably great.
If you want to get loyal customers and retain them, engage them!